fancy product designer

Hello where are using fancy product designer the problem is when we are when we are clicking add to cart the cart is not pop up so the solution for this 

 we taken this them for this purpose


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.


  • You did not attach a screenshot showing what you are talking about, and I do not know what exactly you refer to.

    Please attach a screenshot showing this.


  • addtocart is not pop opening

    like this

  • where is setting of this i want remove this

  • see this when my add to cart its not showing its canot open cart frome side

  • i have send u

  • I am really very frustrated because you are supporting is not good refund I have raise the form also please refund me because your theme and your support is not good 2 days go I have asked the problem but you didn't reply you did not support also

  • I'm sorry, but you wrote outside my working hours (during the weekend), so I could not answer you.

    Also, please do not create duplicate topics/comments regarding the same matter.

    1) Regarding your first question, some plugins, just like the one you use for product customization, require a page reload to successfully add the product to the cart. With page reload there is no option for the side cart to open automatically.

    2) Product meta can be hidden with the following CSS code:

    .single-product .product_meta{
     display: none;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    3) About the refund please send this information privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at


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