Hide on Mobile
I'm using 2 REV sliders on homepage, but the main one is set here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vzhfcm0sujhppb/Captura%20de%20ecr%C3%A3%202024-06-17%2C%20%C3%A0s%2011.36.38.png?dl=0
I want to hide it on mobile.
Where can I find that option?
Instead of setting it in the page options, you can place it with the Sider Plugin element and use Responsive Visibility settings to show one on desktop and the second on mobile.
Best regards
Ok it worked but now it's showing page title above slider (with the other method it wasn't).
How can i just hide this on homepage-- https://www.dropbox.com/s/liweyrioixj4ub4/Captura%20de%20ecr%C3%A3%202024-06-17%2C%20%C3%A0s%2015.40.04.png?dl=0
Open Page Options, and select to hide the Subheader.
Best regards