Few questions regarding my new website

Dear Muffin Team.

I am busy with my website and came across some things which I'm not able to change somehow. Can you please offer some help? That would be great.

  • When you visit the blogpage: https://www.orthomagie.nl/uncategorized/wat-is-orthomoleculair/ the category/tags and author flows into the menu, it needs to go down more so that it doesn't overlap in the menu, it looks a bit messy right now.
  • On the mobile menu I have changed the color of the links in a green color, as soon as you start scrolling and open ups the menu the link text color changes to blue, this needs to be the same all the time.
  • Blog comment: People can fill in some details to write a comment, there is one question which is called "site" this text needs to be changed to "onderwerp"

I have added some screenshots that shows what I mean. thank you for your assistance.



  • Hello,

    1) Please create a copy of your header template, assign this copy to all post pages, and set the body offset to Yes in the header options.

    2) Open your header template, choose mobile display and Sticky header, open hamburger menu element settings and set the colors there:

    3) WP translates this text automatically after you change the site language.

    To translate it, you should modify the files or use some plugin for translations.

    Best regards

  • Thank you so much.

    number 1 and 2 I did!

    number 3: can I somehow remove it without downloading plugins?

  • 3) This can be done by modifying the files, but we do not provide help with such modifications and you should contact your web developer instead.

    Best regards

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