Product Category hierarchy

Dear Support,

I would like to request assistance on how to create the product category hierarchy on the main page as seen in version 26.7. To make it clearer, I am attaching an image, but the simplest way would be to check our old website at I would like it to be the same: when we click on the parent and further categories, and there are subcategories, they should be easily clickable through. For example: Computing - PC, Laptops - Laptop - Laptop Memory.

I have previously requested help with this issue, but it has not been resolved. If I provide access to the site, could you set it up so that I won't have any more problems with it? Alternatively, can you provide a shop template that makes it work easily, as it did in the old version? Thank you in advance! The current website for which I am requesting assistance is

Best regards,

Levente Bíró


  • Hi,

    What do you mean by saying that it was not resolved?

    I checked your previous topic regarding this and I have provided steps here

    Did you try following these steps?

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    Yes, I followed the steps described, but it doesn't work, I've already collected everything to illustrate, that's why they should investigate, because it doesn't work! However, I would really need it, because that is how customers can navigate the online store without any problems, and it has worked so far, I should have updated the site to the new version a long time ago, but it is impossible, because it becomes unusable... they can investigate and check what could it be the fault?

    Best regards

  • I have checked conversation you had with @Phil but completely don't understand what exactly you want to do. In my opinion, everything works correctly and @Phil have provided you all necessary details.

    Otherwise, please explain what exactly doesn't work as I really have no idea what you would like to achieve exactly.

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