White Label Questions

I have some White Label Questions:

1) I used BeCustom to make a lot of changes, but I noticed that those changes do not affect the BeBuilder.

For Example when I go to Setup Type, The Logo is still Be - Pre-Built Website. Can this be changed?

2) How can I import the Pre-built websites on my own domain? And also Link them to the correct URL through the Setup Type for example?

3) Can we change the name Betheme in the Prebuilt section?

4) We use Parent and Child Theme. When Using Becustom, only ONE of the two themes is changed? How can we change also the other Theme?


  • Hi,

    1, 2, 3) These things cannot be changed. BeCustom is a plugin for users who want to hide that Betheme was used to create a website. You can hide the pre-built websites tab with BeCustom, but you cannot rebrand this area as it is one of our most significant advantages.

    4) We will add a feature in the next BeCustom update that will change the image and name for both the parent and child themes.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for your feedback Phil!

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