Increase logo on mobile version

Hello, this is the pre-built websites that I choose:

I want to make my logo (that is in long format) to be a little bigger. I noticed that (on the furniturestore2-header template) the wrap from left side (where is logo positioned) is at 25% - and the right side is 75% (where is the Search+Wish icon+Cart icon+Account).

Maybe 50%-50% it will be perfect for me. I trying to modify that proportion, but nothing changed. I don't want my logo to be so big, like on the other website, but not even as small as in our case. Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to your reply.


  • Hi,

    We are aware of this issue and it will be fixed in the upcoming update, which we hope to release today or tomorrow.

    Best regards

  • OK, it is not so bad because also we have the square logo - the original logo that I designed myself. And in demo furnituresstore2 I haved see (in mobile version) it is use a square logo.

    By the way, your theme is fantastic! Have a wanderfull day!

  • edited June 25

    We are happy to see that our theme suits you!

    Have a wonderful day, too!

  • Hi, did you have verrified already the increesing logo (50% - 50%) on mobile version on the new Betheme version 27.5?

    I have a question to be OK with my work till now ( the site is almost finish), before I will update the theme: When I installed first time Betheme (parent theme ) I forgot to install Betheme Child and I make some customization using Betheme - Theme Option and Templates (I not make modification in Theme File Editor) If I update now, it will be a problem if I don't have installated and activate Child Betheme?

    I have version 27.4.5 installed. Update to 27.5.

  • 1) Now, all these modifications in the Header Builder should work properly.

    2) A child theme is required only when you make modifications to the files. If you did not make any file modifications, you can safely update.

    Best regards

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