Integrating with TinyMCE


I commonly have issues when copying/pasting from Google Docs text into text elements in BeBuilder - where the code includes many hidden HTML tags that I'd like to strip out.

For the old WP editor, a method like the below worked well:

This doesn't seem to be working for the BeBuilder text editor blocks - with tiny_mce_before_init (and teeny_mce_before_init) not appearing to trigger. Is there something special about the BeBuilder text editors?

This may, or may not, be something that the entire user base wants - but certainly something I could see being integrated in the core - with an options section choosing the tags to allow in pasting.

For now, I'd be happy with a method to add custom "paste_preprocess" filters within functions.php.



  • Hello,

    Yes, TinyMCE is modified to work correctly with BeBuilder functions.

    Anyway, it already has a built-in feature that allows you to clear formatting.

    Best regards

  • Thanks, however is there any way to automate that to do so upon paste?

    I know it's a simple "click-highlight-click" task, but when there are dozens of text elements on a page, with dozens of pages, streamlining workflow would be brilliant.

  • As I was informed by the dev team, such automatic change cannot be implemented as it would cause issues with BeBuilder functionality, so we can only recommend using the clear formatting option.

    Best regards

  • OK, thanks for the update.

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