I can't use the pre-build sections function

When I try to include a BeBuilder pre-built sections it is not added and I need to refresh the page to try again . I made a video showing what happens when I try to use the pre-build sections


  • Hey,

    This could mean that your license key is used on multiple domains. Please use the license manager to handle your license keys: http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/36219/cannot-register-deregister-your-license-key-use-this-tool#latest.

    If you see (on our license manager) that your license key is registered on a single domain or it is not registered anywhere, then please disable all of the plugins and deregister that license key (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard).

    After that, get into the license manager once more. If the license key is still claimed - deregister it. If it’s not, register it again on your domain (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard) and try to insert pre-built websites then.


  • edited July 10

    Hey, thanks for the guidelines.

    Did what you recommended but it didn't work. For some reason it returns the message "The purchase code has not been used to register Betheme or the username does not match the purchase code."

    When testing the license key the message returned is "Support period date from provided license key is older than already existing one in database!".

    My support expires on July 26th.

    I don't know how to resolve this.

  • If you receive that your license key is not used, go to Betheme -> Dashboard, deregister, and register your license again there.

    After that, the update should work properly.


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