Replace image bug

I went to replace the featured image of a published blog post and when I refresh the page it shows empty space where the picture should be.

I try a different picture and it works, I try another different picture and it doesn't work again.

I go in FTP and rename the existing picture _backup and make my new image have the old working filename and it still shows blank.

I don't have cache plugin.

I noticed that after the .jpg it adds something like ?t_309207453


  • Hello,

    Please turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover, switch to another theme like Twenty Twenty-Four, and see if the same thing happens.


  • Thank you very much for helping me you were right, when I turned off my "Find & Replace" plugin it worked. I see now my rule in find and replace was bad and I have corrected the rule so that the site works again now as it should even with the plugin enabled.

  • I am happy that you found the culprit and managed to solve that.

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Best regards

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