BeBuilder reading bespoke Post Type

Hi! I am working on a website for a theatre. I want to create a bespoke different type of Post on my wordpress (alternative to Portfolio, Offer, Products...) to display the different shows and have bespoke fields to fill such as Show Title, Director, Dates, Premiere dates, and create like a data base. My question is regarding whether BeBuilder will be able to read and integrate this data as dynamic data and permalinks. For instance, when using Queery Loop to create a custom Portfolio Slider, If I will be able to choose that information.

I hope I explained myself well enough. Many thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    Dynamic data should work correctly, but not work in Query Loops. To make it work, you would have to adjust theme files, for which we do not provide help.

    With the file customization you should contact your web developer.

    Best regards

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