White Margin Issue with Background Image

Good morning,

I have a problem with an image that appears with a white margin, and I don’t know where it comes from (and maybe it's because some code or something else is failing). It's set as a background for the section, so it covers the entire section. In BeBuilder, it looks fine, since the parameters I have set – to cover the entire screen and always adjust to the device so that the background is always covered – are correct (see screenshots - they are from BeBuilder).

However, when I exit BeBuilder to view the page, it appears with less height and the white margin on the right side (see now this screenshot):

It’s a mystery because it’s a copy of this section (see screenshot), I’ve simply changed the image (even the image dimensions are the same), but this section, however, looks fine when I click "View page". The image covers all the section and it adjust to the device). I hope you can help me...

I also want to let you know that in this last screenshot I attached, the image doesn’t have the "Parallax" effect even though it’s configured in the parameters, which I also don’t understand and don’t know if it’s related to the other problem and if something is failing. I hope you can also help me with this...

Thank you so much!


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


  • Good morning,

    Sorry, here is the link: https://praxoglobal.com/

    I have left only the Home and the Certification landing page, where I have the issues I mentioned (parallax effect and white margin, respectively).

    Additionally, before I had the "Under construction" mode enabled, and now when I published it to send you the link, I noticed that in incognito mode, the icons in the "Por qué PRAXO" block on the Home page are not visible...

  • This is because when you want to use a Parallax effect, the image must be big enough, and your current one is not.

    Please use an image with dimensions at least 1920x1080px.

    Best regards

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