Post won't load when clicking on categories


When using blog elements or the normal blog page, there are no posts loading when clicking on the categories -not right away.

Nothing shows up, only the "load more". If you click on the "load more" button about three times in a row, there will show up some of the categories respective posts. Before these posts are showing up, a bunch of posts will blend in for a moment, like pulsating and disappearing again. Now, if you did click on the load more button several times, the other categories might also suddenly show a few posts when you click on them. If you refresh the page, you got to go through this procedure again to see the posts.

Though the very first category - "show all" - does work and shows the set number of posts from the beginning.

It happens to all blog element, it doesn't matter whether plugins are activated or not or any custom changes of the css are removed, or cache cleared.


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