Image Boxes Vanishing After Adding Text

On our home page, i have 3 image boxes (second layer down group) but when i try to change some text in the 1st one (Conformation> Best of Breed 2024) the two adjacent image boxes vanish.

I restore the site and then try again and the same thing happens again.

Any idea whats going on?




  • Hi,

    please go to Betheme > System Status and check if your limits are ok. If they are ok, please disable ALL 3rd party plugins and check if issue occurs.

  • I looked at the System Status and the only issue reported there is the PHP Time Limit, which is currently 120 with a recommendation of 180. My ISP say they can't change that setting unless i go to a cloud service, which is prohibitively expensive.

    I disabled all the plugins and tried to see if that fixed it, but it made no difference.

    As i have to have the page working, i decided to delete the section with the 3 photo boxes, and recreate them as a single section with one photo box in, and two photo boxes in a separate section below... That appears to have fixed it.

    I'd love to know why this issue is happening... do you have any previous issues documented that other people have reported?



  • Hi,

    I can see that you have many HTML errors on your website, and most likely they generated this problem.

    These errors appear when some HTML tags on the page are not closed, or misplaced, so you should check every place where you use HTML tags and ensure that they are correct. Also you must be careful in the future when using them in the future to prevent such situations.

    Best regards

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