Changes on the header are not applied completely


I'm writing to request assistance with a persistent shadow appearing below the header on my website,

Initially, I added a shadow to the lower portion of the header. However, after deciding to remove it, the shadow remains visible in guest mode and on other devices. The shadow disappears only when logged in to WordPress.

I've already attempted to troubleshoot the issue by:

  • Removing the shadow code and saving the changes.
  • Purging the website cache.
  • Visiting the website from different devices and browsers.

Unfortunately, the shadow persists despite these efforts.

I would be immensely grateful if you could provide guidance on how to resolve this issue and remove the unwanted shadow for all visitors.

The website address:


  • Hi,

    When something is visible only for users who are not logged in even after your change, it means you have some active cache.

    If you are sure you purged the plugin cache, contact your hosting provider about the server cache.

    Best regards

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