
  • Hello,

    Please, check the following link. There you will find instructions about how to improve the loading time for your website.

    Following the tips mentioned in this guide should make your website faster.


  • no these information are unusefull. As you can see in test result there is trouble with rendering

  • Are you using WooCommerce on your website?

    I see Woo files loading, but do not see any product, shop, or cart page on your website.

    If you are not using Woo, disable and remove it from your website.

    For things that can be improved, you can think about replacing Lottie animation with a lighter one or an image.

    Getting rid of Fontawesome would help as well.

    Also, I can see that you did not check the link I sent you in my previous message or did not follow all the tips mentioned there because I can see that you do not have a minified version of Betheme files. This option can be activated by applying recommended settings in Theme options -> Performance.

    Best regards

  • after clicking performance my site looks awfull. How can I return changes?

    I do not have Woocommerce plugin

  • Just click Disable all button next to Apply recommended settings.

  • I have done.

    What about woocommerce which shows in test result but is installed (as you can see on print screens) ?

  • If you don't use WooCommerce, you should disable it as it loads many files that are pointless in case you have no shop.

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