Can't clone section
Hello everyone,
in the following theme it is not possible for me to clone every section:
This concerns for example the section “Buy Tickets today”.
The theme is used on our server here:
All server parameters for Betheme are set correctly and show “correct”. The cache has also been emptied.
It would be important that I can clone each section. Is there a solution or an alternative?
In addition, I have the problem that when I duplicate the whole page, it is displayed incorrectly and partly without images.
Can I also solve this problem?
I look forward to your feedback.
Many thanks & best regards
Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.
Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.
I have checked your website and cloning work as it should:
Are there any extra steps to reproduce your issue?
Best regards
Hello, thank you for your answer. Please try to clone the section with the Headline "Buy tickets today" with the "Buy Now"-Badge. Just like the “Program section” with the program details. The heading can be cloned, but the section below it cannot. Some sections can be cloned and for other sections this does not work.
In addition, a copy of the entire page is also displayed incorrectly.
Thank you & regards
We have corrected it on your website.
This correction will also be included in the upcoming update.
Best regards
I still have the problem that when I copy an entire page, no styles are copied.
Here is the original page:
And when I copy it, it looks like this:
How can this error be corrected?
Thank you & regards
How did you copy it?
I used the Export/Import option in BeBuilder, and it everything works properly:
Best regards