Portfolio Grid Broken, Mis-Sized Thumbnail Breaking Grid
I'ev regenerated thumnails, tried various grid layouts, deleted and re-uploaded images, and fiddled with all the admin options I can see as being relevant, but still cant get the portfolio grid to work as intended.
B&W demo loaded, not changes made.
Page can be seen here:
I've attached a screen show as well:
I realize there isn't the correct number of items to make a completely square grid with even rows, but the issue lies in the second item on the top, from the left, and it is sized to hang about 15px lower than the others, and breaks the second row. It does this on all grid styles, although the no spacing grid is the most-pronounced.
help would be appreciated.
minimum size of the images you upload must be 960 x 750px. But if you use smaller images, then all must be exactly the same size. This is the reason why they do not look good on your site.