Anchor, popup, curved footer with border and adding extra background features


I have a couple of questions.

  1. I would like people to click on a word that redirects them to a certain part of the page. I will need an anchor for that. But where can I find that and how do I do this?
  2. I would like a popup screen to open when clicking a button. I created a popup in the Templates section. But where do you find the ID of the popup and where do you put i in the button?
  3. I would like to create a footer with a curved top and the border of the curved top in a different color. See attached screenshot 1. I tried this with the Arc shape divider, but I cannot change the color of the top border of the shape divider. Is this possible? Other way would be to insert an image, but that isn't as responsive as I would like. I just tried this, but when I zoom out, it dissapears behind one of the other layers. I can send you login credentials of the WP website if you would like to see this.
  4. I would like to add stars (and other images) in the background that are moving. I can do this with Lottie, but not as a background, only just as an image. Is this somehow possible? (See attached image 2)

Thank you!


  • Hi,

    1) The link structure should look like this: You can assign an anchor to Section, Wrap, or Element in the Advanced -> Custom:

    2) Open the popup template, open the settings, change the Display trigger to On click, and copy the ID from below:

    Then, edit the page, choose the button, change the Function button option to Open popup, and put the copied ID below.

    3) You can try to achieve that with a section Background decoration with Image top:

    4) There is no option to put a Lottie in the background. Only animated SVG would work here.

    Best regards

  • Thank you!

    4) Would you be able to explain how that is done? If I want a background with stars, should I put in a background overlay with an animated SVG?

  • It should be done in some graphic programs like Figma.

    If you do not know how to do that, please check online tutorials or contact your graphic designer.

    Best regards

  • Thank you!

    And 2) is not working yet. I've got this, do I need to add more details?

  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


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  • Your popup is not assigned anywhere. You should add the condition "Entire website" to it, or assign it in the Page Options:

    Best regards

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