
  • Hi,

    Try the following CSS code:

    .single-product .mfn-woocommerce-tabs .mfn-woocommerce-tabs-nav li:nth-child(2){
     display: none;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Best regards

  • it doesn't work, there is always “information complémentaire” and the price range on this page.

  • 1) Did you put your CSS in the correct place?

    I do not see it on your website source.

    2) Sorry, I overlooked the part about the price range.

    You can remove it in the single product template by deleting the Price element.

    Best regards

  • if I remove the prices at product selection no price will be displayed what I want is to remove the range with the selection of the product variable and have the price displayed only once the product variable is selected 

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