How to deactivate the sticky menu in the BeFurniture theme

Hello everyone, I would like to use the BeFurniture theme but without the sticky menu that appears when scrolling down the homepage (see image).

I just want to use the standard menu, and when I scroll down, I don't want anything to appear. How can I do that?


  • Hi,

    See the following video tutorial, but do the opposite as described there:

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much for precious info.

    Another question about menu .... It could be possible also remove the side panel and icon? (see pictire)


  • You can remove it by clicking on the delete icon in the Header Builder.

    Best regards

  • Is not simple like you mean.... If I edit template "furniturestore2-header" there isn't this icon like you can see in picture

    The theme is Be furniture.

    And If I edit home page I can't modify it, the icon appear but I can't modify it.

    And I don't understand why in first image I haven't the square logo "BE" and I can't delete it, but It appear on Home page but from here I can't remove it and It appear also on front end page at address

    Thank you to help me to remove!

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


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    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Hi Phil, I sent you the access details via the contact form using the address you provided.

    Please also check another issue that appears in the Products/Attributes section. There are some attributes I can't delete, and the problem occurred right after I installed the pre-built BeFurniture theme. I'm attaching the image below.


  • Sorry, but we haven't received a message from you yet.

    Please check your mailbox for our response. Look also inside the spam folder.

    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.

    Be sure that you send all of the required information mentioned in the previous message.

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • login credentials


  • Hi,

    I sent you all info by answer to your email to address [email protected]

    Please Check if you received all info .... also because now when I try to see my website this screen appear...

    But I don't set it!

    Plase answer me asap.

    Thank you.

  • Please check this page violet... it appear when deactivate under construction mode respect the normal home page.

    Thank you.

  • 1) I have corrected your header. There were a couple of misconfigurations with responsive settings.

    2) Also, I checked attributes, and I do not see what you showed on the screenshot, but they can be removed. Did you handle this?

    3) I do not see that violet page. Did you handle this as well?

    Best regards

  • No, you don't see it because the site was in "under construction" mode... if you check now, instead of the correct homepage, that violet page appears.

    Please check.

  • Solved .... sorry ... Thank you. :)

  • So everything is fine now?

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    thank you.... I see that now in template list I have 2 furniturestore2-header lile in picture

    And I don't why ....

    Besides after that I have problem to insert the company logo in smartphone and tablet visualization, if I try to insert the logo in the indicated space automatically BeTheme insert it under ...

    And I need also remove the side menu "categories" on the right side of logo.

    Thank you.

  • When I logged in, you had two templates. Since you could clone one, I left it as I encountered it. You can remove the template you do not use.

    Did you try moving the logo to the correct place after dropping it in the header area?

    If you want to remove the side menu only on the mobile, see the following video tutorial:

    Best regards

  • Hi, regarding your answer:

    Ok I understand Thnx.

    Yes I try to insert the logo in position like in picture 1 but automtically the sustem move it like in pictures 2 automatically.

    Yes the side menu actually appera in mobile visualization, Itry to follow the video and I'll inform you.

    I'm waiting answer about the logo position.

    Thank you

  • We will check that positioning.

    As soon as we find anything, I will let you know.

    Best regards

  • Thank you to you!


  • I Need a favour please ....

    I had delete default standard slide from revolution (before I made a copy) but when I try to use the backup copy of it the home page has change respect default home page ... there is a space from menu and slide (see picture under)

    Could you restore the original home page format like in picture under please without lateral menu? I need only the dimension of slide linke in original home page because i don't know where the original slide was inserted.

    Thank you so much.

  • 1) I have added the logo for you. Please check it out.

    2) You must assign the Slider through Page Options:

    Best regards

  • edited 11:46AM

    Hi, regarding slider I have following your suggestion but as you can see the space from menu and slider is not like in original home page of Be Furniture theme, please can you adjust it in order to have the slider dimension and the space from menu and slide like in original home page of BeFurniture theme?

    Thank you.

  • I checked that, and you do not have a slider selected in the Page Options.

    Please choose it.

    Best regards

  • Ok ...

    Please select it you form me .... and delete the wrong slide inserted on home page ...

    I prefere you modify it for me ... Thnx. :)

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