De- Italicizing Font of Menu and Removal of Bulleted Sidebar

Hello -

I can't seem to find in the theme editor, nor the editor files where I can edit the fonts of the menus. Our menu bar seems to have a code somewhere making the font italicized which we would like to remove. Additionally there are bullets on the sidebar that we would also like to remove. We are using the Bakery demo theme and modifying it.

Site is under construction - so you can't see the page without being logged in. But I can PM a username/pw if needed.



  • Whoops - as I was looking everywhere - I had not yet realized there was a built in css tab in the themes options where I found the code to change for the italicized menu heading!  I did not however see any code for the bullets on the sidebar menu.

  • Hi Nancy,

    which bullets in the sidebar you mean? Please send us url to page where you got them so we can have a look and help. Also please explain if you want to remove those bullets or change their colors?
  • Hello!

    The site is not live yet, so sending the link would not help. But as you can see in the image above, its the bullets on the sidebar menu that we were wanting to modify - either make bigger or simply remove.

    Thanks so much!
  • Please let us know when site will be online because link in this case is necessary. Only then, we'll be able to give you right css to increase those bullets or to remove them. If you want, you can always send us private message with link to page.
  • Hello thank you.

    I made the site visible online now - so the page for the bullet points are here:

    Additionally - I am getting feedback that the logo is blurred - how can I know the best dimensions and format for the logo upload to see if there might be something I am doing incorrectly on my end?

    Thanks again and sorry for the questions!
  • Ok. So to remove those bullets, please use below css:
    .widget_archive ul, .widget_nav_menu ul { list-style-type: none !important; }
    On our side, logo looks fine. It's not blurred. However, if you want, you can upload bigger logo size and it will be automatically scaled to current size.
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