HELP Internet Explorer broke CSS

I use Betheme and i worked on webdesign template
Site: - multisite
In Chrome everithing is ok, but in iexplore 9-11 / edge,  everything is broken
Pls Help!


  • Hi,

    we did checked your site already and not sure what you mean. Looks like shortcodes are loading very slow but this issue is not related with theme. Looks like plain shortcodes are visible first and after few seconds all components are loaded properly. We recommend to deactivate all extra plugins first to check if one of them is not the reason of that issue.
  • Sry... my mistake.
    I uploaded a custom font only in ttf format.
    So... in Chrome ttf font is working. In chrome not.
    After i upload the font in woff format all start to work like a charm!!!
  • If you are using custom fonts, then of course all font files must be uploaded because different browsers are using different formats.
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