Checkout problem!

2.4.8 Woocommerce
4.3.1 Wordpress
10. 2.1 Theme version

Shopping cart to checkout problem.

Everything works ok when adding products to shopping cart but site freezes to white page when trying to go to checkout.
This happens with all the known browsers. I have no idea what causes it.

Best regards,



  • Hi,

    please switch to default WP theme and check if the same thing happen.
  • Hi,

    Same happens with TwentyTwelve. How did I forget to test that.
    I'll start to uninstall plugin's and test if problem is in some plug-in.

    Let me know if you have some other ideas.

    Thank you,


  • I got it work better. 

    Sill not everything working. This products actually the one I got some information from clients that site is not working. 

    Add to cart - Lisää ostoskoriin

    Blank page problem continues. If I click back from the blank space product is added to shopping cart.

    Let me know if you have solution for this.
  • There's some othere problems in my site too.

    If I click shoping cart icon it will only refresh my page.

    If I try to go to checkout or in shopping cart page from sidebar it will do the same.

    In checkout I can't delete products. Only way is to decrease product quantity and update the cart.

    These problems do appear even if I use TwentyTwelve, but site was working correctly before I bought BeTheme so mayby problem comes from some plugin that came with BeTheme? 

    I do not know, hopefully you can help me, if not it would be great if you can suggest who should I contact to.
  • So if the same thing happen with default WP theme, it means that the problem is not related with BeTheme. Of course you can disable plugins to check if one of them is not the reason. If this won't help, then you must look for a problem somewhere else. We would start from removing all plugins via FTP and upload them once again via FTP only because this is the safest way.
  • Thank you for the help.

    I will do as you suggested.

    Hopefully problem is solved out soon.
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