Removing/Hiding the featured Image on Blog Slider only.

Howdy All! I hope my request is easy. 

Short Version --> Blog Slider (minus) Featured Images 

I would like to stop/hide the single post "featured images" from showing inside the blog slider block. I want to keep everything else "as-is", visually displaying the posts as if there were no featured image. I've played with a bunch of options and tried finding this in a specific thread, but I'm guessing nobody has ever requested it.

What would be even more awesome, is having the CSS to create a new class for this so I'm not affecting this site-wide. 

Screenshot just for clarification.

This may not be the place, but I think the Blog Slider could use some love. Being able to choose "what" it shows and "How" would make my life easier in many cases. 


PS: I'm a Huge fan of betheme. I love that you (muffin group) have taken it so far and are still improving. I've used it in many projects and recommend it to everyone.  


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