sticky header

Dear Team, i want display the same header all time on my site

i means, normal header, and sticky header at the same design.

Logo at center, dont display menu, and block header the same size always, if scroll stay fixed there.

I hope you can help, im using app demo.


  • Hey,

    this could be done only when you use "Fixed" header. Otherwise, it is impossible.

  • i had activate fixed header, but fixed header put menu and logo on left, i neeed no menu, and logo on center.

    thanks for your help.
  • If you will deactivate "Maintenance Mode" and change to Fixed header, we'll be able to look on your site and see if it is possible to remove menu and center the logo.
  • edited November 2015
    please use this login details, i cant put site online

    **** Removed ****
  • Do you know that this is public section and everyone see those details? We removed them already because it's not allowed to leave such details in this section.

    However, we just did if for you. All we did was below css:
    /* Header modification */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
        #Top_bar .menu_wrapper { display: none !important; }
        #Top_bar .logo { float: none !important; }
        .header-fixed #Top_bar .logo { margin-left: 256px !important; }
        #Top_bar .top_bar_left { text-align: center !important; }
    and also we set "Fixed" header style. But ff this won't fit to your needs, then please notice that we do not have any other solution for that.
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