Magnific Popup

edited May 2017 in Other
I have updated the last release of Betheme and now I'm running Magnific Popup instead Pretty photo....
It's ok for all but I NEED to have custom size of the player for vimeo viedos...
In pretty photo I just add to the video address ?height=533&width=1280 etc etc but with Magnific popup it doesn't work....
How can give these indications to Magnific Popup for every video links?
If this is not possible I need to downgrade to Pretty Photo..... How is it the procedure to downgrade to Pretty photo?


  • Please send us a link to your website, as well as the link you are using to show the vimeo video.
  • edited June 2017
    Thanks guys...

    in the home page there is a slider.... you can press TRAILER on over the image of the first movie/ image called PRIMA DI LUNEDI

    When the light box open the videos have always the same size, (more or less 900x500 instead have different sizes) adding black bars at the top and at the bottom....(the magnific popup is set to 16/9 view)
    The PRIMA DI LUNEDI - TRAILER video was uploaded to vimeo with 1280 wide size and 524 height size as you can check on vimeo directly

    The link that PRIMA DI LUNEDI - TRAILER button call is
    < >

    So I need a way to teel to Magnific Popup the size of each video link according to the video uploaded to vimeo as PrettyPhoto did adding ?width=1280&height=524 
     to the vimeo link....

    One more question: how can I active an images gallery slideshow? (I mean the play button to start the slideshow)

    Thanks :-)
  • The only way I was succesful with this was adding a popup shortcode and a video(or iframe inside), like so:
    [popup title="Title" padding="0" button="0"]<iframe src="" width="1280" height="524" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>[/popup]

    Then I changed the popup CSS, like this:
    .mfp-inline {

    max-width: 1280px !important;

  • edited June 2017
    Thanks... But how I can use this pop shortcode as a button link to open the light box?
    What about play button of image gallery slideshow?
  • edited June 2017
    I try to copy your code
    [popup title="Title" padding="0" button="0"]<iframe src="" width="1280" height="524" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>[/popup]
    directly on wordpress editor and on the backend I see the video (right size) but nothing appear on the front end

    But as i wrote before how can I use this code for lunching the video in lighbox from a button?

    Thanks as usual  :-)
  • edited June 2017
    I made soma progress.....
    wrote in php:
    if(get_field('id_video_1', $row->ID)) {
    echo do_shortcode('[popup title="' . get_field('tipologia_video_1', $row->ID) . '" padding="0" button="1"]
    <iframe src="'. get_field('id_video_1', $row->ID) .'?&amp;title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" rel="lightbox" width="' . get_field('larghezza_video_1', $row->ID) . '" height="' . get_field('altezza_video_1', $row->ID) . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

    and few problems came up:

    In the movie page using Supercarousel to display my custom post as soon as I go over the image the butto and also the iframe video comin up...

    1 the div  <div id="popup-xxxxxxxxxxxx" class="popup-content"> should be 
    <div id="popup-xxxxxxxxxxxx" class="popup-content mfp-hide"> otherwise I see the iframe 
    How can I correct that? 
    the Id (xxxxxxxxx) is given by the popup shortcode so I don't know where I have to go to add the class mfp-hide 

    2 How can i set the autoplay of the video? adding ?&autoplay=1 the video start playing in the background instead starting in the lighbox

    3 Please tell me how go back to Pretty photo.... this magnific popup is far to be complete as pretty photo is .... sorry but this was a wrong change for betheme....
  • You can use it like this:
    [button title="click me" link="#you-custom-id" target="_blank" align="" icon="" icon_position="" color="" font_color="" size="2" full_width="" class="prettyphoto" download="" onclick=""]
    <div id="you-custom-id" style="display:none"><iframe src="" width="1280" height="524" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div>


    Remember to add the previous css to your custom css.
  • edited June 2017
    Ok now it seems to work... thanks....
    I still have the autoplay iusse.... can you check how to resolve?

    "How can i set the autoplay of the video? adding ?&autoplay=1 the video start playing in the background instead starting in the lighbox"

    Thanks :-))

    I see also that using iframe the page is really slow to load because is loading 
    player.js / ga.js and vuid.min.js around 75 times!!!!!
    I'm talking about

    So I think, if you don't find any solution,  to go back to PrettyPhoto lightbox.... as I wrote before:
    "Please tell me how go back to Pretty photo.... this magnific popup is far to be complete as pretty photo is .... sorry but this was a wrong change for betheme...."
  • Sorry but we cannot do anything about this.
  • edited June 2017
    What about Pretty Photo downgrade? Do I have to disable Magnific popup and add prettyPhoto as a plugin or there is another procedure?
  • Sorry but you cannot downgrade.
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