Magnific Popup
I have updated the last release of Betheme and now I'm running Magnific Popup instead Pretty photo....
It's ok for all but I NEED to have custom size of the player for vimeo viedos...
In pretty photo I just add to the video address ?height=533&width=1280 etc etc but with Magnific popup it doesn't work....
How can give these indications to Magnific Popup for every video links?
If this is not possible I need to downgrade to Pretty Photo..... How is it the procedure to downgrade to Pretty photo?
in the home page there is a slider.... you can press TRAILER on over the image of the first movie/ image called PRIMA DI LUNEDI
[popup title="Title" padding="0" button="0"]<iframe src="" width="1280" height="524" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>[/popup]
Then I changed the popup CSS, like this:
[button title="click me" link="#you-custom-id" target="_blank" align="" icon="" icon_position="" color="" font_color="" size="2" full_width="" class="prettyphoto" download="" onclick=""]
<div id="you-custom-id" style="display:none"><iframe src="" width="1280" height="524" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div>
Remember to add the previous css to your custom css.