Wordpress 4.8 and BeTheme 17.8.7 breaks alignment of shortcode social icons


The latest version of of Wordpress (4.8) and the latest version of the Betheme are producing layout errors in the shortcode social icons.
The follow code is in my site's footer widget:

[icon_bar icon="icon-facebook" link="#" target="" size="small" social=""]
[icon_bar icon="icon-gplus" link="#" target="" size="small" social=""]
[icon_bar icon="icon-twitter" link="#" target="" size="small" social=""]

The social icons should display as a horizontal block/bar alignment, but now after the 4.8 update, these icons display in a vertical alignment.

It looks horrible.

Is there a fix for this? Please let me know.


  • Hi,
    it is beacuse wordpress is adding automatic paragraphs to the text widget.
    To avoid this, please add all shortcodes without any spaces or new lines. Like this:

    [icon_bar icon="icon-facebook" link="#" target="" size="small" social=""][icon_bar icon="icon-gplus" link="#" target="" size="small" social=""][icon_bar icon="icon-twitter" link="#" target="" size="small" social=""]
  • edited June 2017
    Hi, it still doesn't work. Please check this:

  • This is a quick fix with custom css
    .textwidget .icon_bar ~ br {
    display: none;
  • Hello!

    Thank you both for your input...
    Removing the returns didn't help me either.
    But, the custom CSS did work!

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