frontpage with title - and visual composer use

I'm trying to make the frontpage have a title like any other page - but that doesn't seem to work on frontpage - if I make the page something else than the frontpage then it works like a charm.

with visual composer the content is shown, but it's on a grey background - if the page is NOT the frontpage, it shows ok on white background.

link to the website:


  • Probably you use Revolution Slider on homepage and that's why you don't have subheader. At this moment we do not have possibility to have both (rev slider and subheader) at the same time on one page.
  • edited January 2015
    I'm not using revolution slider on frontpage. The only thing on the frontpage right now is one (1) visual composer text block

  • edited January 2015
    So it is completely not possible for homepage. As we wrote above, we'll consider it while future updates!
  • ahem hmmmm hmmmfff.
    what is not possible. ???

    title area (subheader) or that the visual composer part is on (wrong grey) background ?

    I can understand (perhaps, actually I can't) why users cannot create title area on frontpage ?
    But why visual composer is then on grey background instead of white like other pages, I cannot *cannot* understand.

    please see:

    as opposed to (for example):

  • It is not possible to have "Subheader" with title on homepage. But from what we see, on both pages (your links above) content is on grey background. So we don't understand your question now. You want to change background color for content or what?
  • I actually understand why you don't understand - because I made mistake to see that background was grey, not white. My bad. Visual composer issue = non existant.

    It seems - as you're saying- that it's not possible to have subheader with title on homepage.

    But - Why is that ? - why can't the developer choose this instead of you disabling this feature ? It should be us, not you, that decides whether there should be a title or not on frontpage (maybe you could put option there, there's already the "hide title" on every page, could we not just use this if we don't want title on frontpage ? _ please consider changing your opinion on this, thank you.
  • Of course you're right about subheader and homepage and this is why we wrote that we'll consider this feature while next updates.
  • edited January 2015
    And I can see the subheader option for frontpage has now been added to lastest version/upgrade of betheme. So that subheader is default on on the frontpage if that has been set on the page :-)

    Thank you for listening to our customers!

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