Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • We really need to get TAGs on PORTFOLIO items, not just CATEGORIES. 
  • More blog designs please, the ones now are fine but very limiting to build appealing news website.

    and please have an option where we can put the number of articles should be skipped in a category for the different blog interfaces, this feature is available in visual composer but not in muffin builder
  • "Be Theme" seems to resemble one of the biggest portfolio site "Behance," so when people stumble upon the theme, they have an expectation to get tools to create a masonry grid blog page, just like how it is on Behance.  But after the purchase, from the menu under appearance, "BeTheme pre-built website" there are 259 options, but not one has one that features masonry grid blog page to start from.  Please have an example that has it, since not all your product users are fluent in Wordpress.
  • More blog designs please and the ability to build own design with muffin builder, this is a feature that is available in visual composer.
  • I suggested it already somewhere else, but to set different rules for navigation in portfolio and blog posts.

    For example, on a portfolio, I would only need a navigation showing a miniature image on the left and right (no need for date and title) / but I would need all three of them for a blog posts (since ppl are here to read).

    Example :
    On the featured image of a blog post, I don't need to have a "link and zoom" function. The image is purely decorative so I would need only an image with no link options.
    However since portfolio is visual, it's nice to have an overview before clicking.

    Different rules would allow more precision and a better UX overall.
  • Sticky / fixed sidebars
  • A cookies popup system would be amazing. Rather than having to rely on third party options which are clunky and do not look nice. Why not be the first theme to have this integrated?
  • Options to customize the search result page such as
    - multiple column results
    - to include the page/post/product thumbnail

  • A Live Editor option.  

    I'm NOT a web developer, just a business owner, nor do I WANT to become a web guru, but I'm having to do my own site for now.  Personally I find the info and training to be geared towards web developers rather than the average Joe. The training videos FLY thru the items (thank God for a 'pause' button) but the BIGGEST issue I have is having to GUESS at where certain things are controlled - (what is it 'called' and what menu do I have to go there to control it's color and size, etc.) because it's not obvious to the average Joe.  If we had a Live Editor, we could just click on the item we are wanting to change and it would automatically take us to the menu or submenu or wherever that particular item is controlled. THAT would be nice.  So far I'm not finding this as easy to do as I'd hoped and I thought it said 'no coding' but when I go into Muffin Builder to edit a theme - it's nothing BUT coding, which I don't understand.  Yeah, a Live Editor would be nice. 
  • Hi, I have a couple of new ideas for next new demos for BeTheme, I think about Data Science (Big Data or Data Analysis) , Headhunting and HR website, Bikes, cycling or car sharing,,, Thank you
  • A "Whatsapp" Icon would be nice ;-)
  • Same screen full editing!

    It would not be so frustrating if things could be edited all at one same screen rather than jumping back and forth and trying to guess what function its called and where to go to do the rest of the editing.  Case in point - on the Agency 2 theme and the buttons under the header area, you can go in on the Button Edit and put is what to say, what URL it goes to and what color the button is and even what color font - but have to go somewhere else to control the color Hover color and if that font should change too.  I still can't figure it out but it would make sense to do all the editing for that Button (in this example) ALL on that one same page of editing the button. 

    The central place for Colors and trying to figure out what each area one is wanting to adjust is 'called' and what (if any) Hover color options are available for that one thing you are working on.  If I want to adjust that Button - do it all on one screen.  If I want to adjust the Back To Top of Page button for same thing, do it all on the same screen.  Message icon - same idea. 
  • How about having a simple gallery with a masonty style. I can't find some way to achieve it.
  • Hello,
    In the latest update we added a gallery item. You can set the style there.
  • Support for more icons such as ionicons
  • My suggestions is change the share bar in product page is so ugly
  • Test or offer full compatibility with the LearnDash LMS plugin, would be sweet!  Thanks.
  • edited July 2017
    Please add a option to bulk update all posts inorder to decode the base64 encoded muffin page builder in database. I think its a must for this theme.
  • First of all, please do not OVERLOAD your Muffin Builder. At the moment it's visually clear and very fast and I like being fast with BeTheme.

    Some optimizations for been faster could be:
    - Builder: when you doubleclick a item this item should open
    - Builder: quick save (not always enter-key works for save), maybe a 'save' on top?
    - Builder: some multiple 'delete'
    - Builder: relative sizes: when moving an item in another container the size is relative, but sometimes it could be more convenient if this size remains absolute, I do many clicks in changing size. Maybe a global option?
    - Intro animation for wrap elements because not every item has intro animation
    - hiding wrap elements
    - note that item search does not work in german, I have to insert the english names to find the german items

    And please please: Revisions for Muffin Builder

    Thank you

  • Hi
    It would be great if you could enable the action button feature on the simple header. I currently have to edit the theme file to add one every time there is an update. My site is
  • add business directory template like listify and LISTABLE
  • Using also other all-purpose themes it would be very fine if you can add:

    > Save and import single items, columns or sections
    > when using global and local options it would be fine to see the global standard value close to the local option, so you know exactly what you are changing and what not
    > a search function in the theme options page

  • I would suggest this as an option for responsive menu:

    It's better than only an hamburger menu for mobile view.
  • Seems like the cookie/privacy notification has become more ubiquitous, would be nice to see a simple push notification to tell people cookies and the such are being used.

  • A solution for a page break in long posts is absolutely necessary!!!!!
    Please make this work!!!
    <! --nextpage-->
  • A few entrance animation options for the PopUp shortcode would be very cool
  • A theme with this kind of functionality would be cool!

    If anyone can point me in the direction of how to create this that would be very helpful!

  • A better solution for SEO integration, maybe a bridge to SEO plugins. 

    The SEO copy-button is only a „quick-and-dirty“-solution creating new problems (it copies hidden elements and useless commands, longer page loadings (backend), search-page-problems)… a lot of useless and more work I do not have with other multipurpose themes
  • Two things...

    One click save and update pages.  When using muffin builder, I have and then I forget to update the page. It is driving me nuts... but then I hope its only me.

    Nested accordion and taps , this would be very useful in organizing products.
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