Muilti theme setup

Hello we would like to showcase your theme on one domain for clients to view only and give them the ability to choose from 5 or 6 pre built websites/theme versions ( that we alter ) to use on a separate domain which they pay for a new theme licence to use.
My questions are;

1.  If we use the muiltisite setup will this cause any issues with your theme and setting them up as different demos?
2.  When the customer chooses as website/theme we just want to copy that setup and the website to their host, how best can this be done?
3.  Is it better to have the 5 or 6 websites with different theme versions installed as a separate Wordpress website under a different folder on the same domain and just copy the one they like to their host?

We are just trying to manage this as best we can as we are currently only providing clients with 1 prebuilt theme and we would like to showcase some others so the websites look different.

Thank you.


  • HI,
    You can have all of the pre-built websites installed on a multisite wordpress installation with one license key, but this will not enable you to move these pages to your client. You have to buy another license and install it on  your client server, then import the pre-built website.
    Remeber that you need 1 license key for each domain you install this theme
  • Re the licence, yes I understand this as I mentioned previously above.

    If I put 5 or 6 pre-built websites in a muiltisite environment, how hard is it to export the per-built theme they choose into a separate single site WP install on another domain?

    Or is it easier with separate installs in each folder?

    Thank you.

  • You cannot transfer one page from a multisite because they are using the same theme, there is one main theme. Please read up more on how wordpress multisite works.
  • I will create separate installs with separate folders then.

    Thank you.
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