Background image and trailer boxes

I try to recreate the second section of the Vegetables homepage. The one with a orange background image and three vertical images in trailer boxes. I'm pretty far, but there are two things I can't figure out :(.

I've copied all styles and settings from the demo and created my own images with the same dimensions.

1. On my site, the orange background image is displayed at full with. On the demo site it has a right padding creating extra white space at the right of the image. How can I create that?

2. The vertical images on the demo are less higher than on my site. Although I've checked that the images on my site have the exact same dimensions. Any suggestions on how I can improve that?

See also theis screenshot I've made of the demo homepage and the current version on my site:


  • Hello,
    please send a link to this page, we have to check why those elements are so tall.

    If you want the orange box to not be so wide just decrease the width of the item in the builder. I do not know how you exactly did it do please first send a link.
  • Unfortunately I'm locally building the website right now, so don't have an link to send you.
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