Impossible to update Wordpress and betheme : everything is lost then
I've got a problem from 3 years : I can't update Wordpress because I lose everything on the website : page content (with the builder) is not showing, and there is a failure with the UTF 8 unicode : all the texts are transformed with symbols %#*è for the accents...
I tried many different ways to fix but I'm blocked here and can't use the theme properly.
And if I export all my content with the Wordpress Tool, I lose the muffin settings, so all my pages content is lost and can't restore the pages this way.
Could you help me ?
Thank you,
have you tried upading the theme as well?
Please make a backup and reinstall wordpress and theme files.
We suggest removing the betheme folder completly from FTP and installing the newest version.
Make sure that the php version is also updated and memory_limit is more than 128mb.
Maybe there is something wrong with the database encoding, but if this is the case we cannot really help you. You would have to create the website again.