User Registration not working!

Hi, im facing this weird issue in my woocommerce template in which the registration form does not contain any other field rather than the user's email. Please help me with this, the user must be able to register with his username, email, password, confirm password and other details.


  • Hi,
    please send a link to this page. Also try to disable third party plugins, maybe one of them is causing this to happen.
  • Here is the link Issues alongside this are
    • When the user logout, nothing happens and the page is redirected to itself
    • When the user tries to reset the password, the link for password reset is not given in the email that is sent to the user

    I have tried to add the plugin Ultimate member but it only works for a day or two and then the issue goes back to where it is.

    Please give me some solution because i am in desperate need of some help.

  • Please try to disable all plugins and see if it works then. We do not support third party plugins of any kind so we will be not able to help if there is an issue with those plugins.

    Since this is a mailing issue I think you should contct your hosting provider and ask him to check the logs, there might be an issue with the server blocking mails.
  • I have disabled all the 3rd party plugins but nothing worked. I need some solution for this
  • Have you contacted your hosting provider as we suggested ?
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