Change Mason Hover Description portfolio style


I'm using the portfolio with the 'mason hover description' style. So when you hover over it, you get another color, you see the excerpt there is an zoom icon and a link icon.

I'd like to remove both icons and make it so that if you click on the tile, you are directed to the portfolio item. Because now people have to click on the link icon and it's a bit confusing. Most people think they can just click on the tile.

I couldn't really find on this forum how to change this. Thanks a lot!
Here's the portfolio: 


  • Hello,
    if you want to change the hove effect then please go to theme options>global>general and select the hove effect style for the image frame.
  • Hi!

    Thanks for the respons. I already checked that out when I looked through other topics on this forum but that does not what I want.

    For the portfolio I use the 'masonry hover description', so on my site's portfolio ( if you hover over a tile it changes color and shows the excerpt which is great and is the purpose of the style I use.

    But I want the complete tile be clickable to go to the portfolio item. The way it is now you have to click on the little link icon when you hover it.


  • Oh, sorry I misunderstood. This is hard coded and not changeable, you would have to edit and modify the theme files to get this working like you like. Sorry but we do not support such customizations.
  • Muffin Group - it would be really great if you could change it so the entire tile is clickable. This creates a very poor user experience as it is now with the link in the corner. In AB testing/beta testing, it has been clear that users do not intuitively understand that they need to click that little link icon.
  • emford
    Yes, you are right but there is also a magnifying glass icon that woul dbe not clickable if the whole block was.
  • To be fair if it was up to me, in this style, I would remove the magnifying glass icon and make the whole thing clickable. We've had a lot of visitors saying it was a bit confusing. Definitely something worth considering I think. :)
  • We cannot change this now because a lot of people would be mad. Some people want this to be this way. We will try to figure out another styles for this item.
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