Sidebar not working any longer

Dear Muffingroup,

I have recently encountered problems with using the sidebar. I added a sidebar in theme Options, added Text in Widgets into this sidebar and selected it on my page. It worked at first, but I must have done something wrong which I can not remember, because now its not showing any more and i get this error message:

Notice: Undefined index: in ...\web\app\themes\betheme\sidebar-blog.php on line 43

 I really dont´t know how I messed it up. My installation is locally. Do you may have a clue what this could mean?

With nice regards and thanks for your help!


  • Hi,
    It looks like you edited this file and changed somthing. Please reinstall the theme on your local dev.
  • We're having a similar problem. We're receiving 404s when we open "All Posts" or change the status of a post (Published, Draft etc). We've reset permalinks, and deactivated plugins, the issue hasn't resolved. Usually, refreshing the page 1-2 times loads the page, but we have 404s popping up about 40-50% of the time we edit posts. It's slowing us down.

    Here's the specific error message:

    [25-Jan-2018 20:05:27 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  in .../ on line 43

    Would you advise we reinstall BeTheme as well?
  • DanaSib
    Yes, the best sollution would be to resintall the theme, remove it completly from your FTP and install a fresh version.
    You can first try to disable all plugin and check again.
    We advise to make a backup before.
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