Demo content - 'Error: slider_export.txt does not exist!' when import demo slider data



  • Hi, indeed, incorrectly configured server.

    Maybe my solution will help somebody.

    If the server is using Apache, folders "wp-content" and "uploads" should be set to the owner of the "apache".

    Thanks for help
  • Thanks for the explanation @antonmakasin :) Hope this will help some users.
  • edited November 2015

    'Error: slider_export.txt does not exist!'

    I tried importing the  file but I get the above error, as other people in this forum are getting.

    I am using Rev Slider v5.1  -  other sliders do import fine. shows the error.

    Alternatively, I tried importing via the slider_export.txt  which doesn't work either.

    There seems to be some actual corruption in the slider_export.txt file for this product.  Can you please remake the import file and update us?

    Thank you,
  • @twicealive Please send us private message and we'll export new slider for you and see if this would help.
  • Hi Guys,
    same here. Tried 3 different sliders, zipped and unzipped as stated.
    No success at all ;(
    Please post a method to get your demos imported without getting that lousy Error: slider_export.txt does not exist!
  • @Scheunemann If you tried different sliders and none of them does not work, it means the problem is on server side. We contacted with ThemePunch (Revolution Slider authors last week about this issue) and this is what they wrote:

    "this is most likely be a problem with the permissions for the www user as the user is not allowed to open/create files on the filesystem"

    And because the problem is on your server side, there is nothing what we or plugin's author can do in such case. You should contact with your admin because this could be sorted on server side only.

    What you can do to remove this error, is do not select any slider for page what can be done under Page options section where drop-down Revolution Slider field is.
  • I also have a problem:
    SE Version 5.1
    Slider Revolution Demo content - 'Error: slider_export.txt does not exist!' 

  • @beefcakee Did you read what we wrote above? If you tried different slides and none of them works, it means that the problem is related with permissions on your server side and only your admin would be able to help you. Please notice that there is nothing what we our ThemePunch (plugin's author) can do to help you.
  • I had the same problem and it was solved when I ceased to use Safari on my mac and used Chrome. Safari unzips files and the zip used by Rev Slider for exporting is different, so when you zip it again and try to upload it does not find the export.txt file because of the different zip format. However, if you are using a browser other than Safari, then I don't know what the cause could be.
  • Lol Chakana you're great. this actually works!
    Just export slides with chrome, not with safari.
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