gap on revolution slider when I open and close the side slide menu

When I open and then close the responsive menu "side slide" then on the left of the revolution slider remains an gap. On first load is all ok. The problem occurs only when I open and close the side slide menu. Please see this screenshot:

(My site is in development on a localhost, therefore I can not give you an URL). I use the last Betheme Version 20.8.2 and Wordpress 4.9.2)


  • Hey,
    try to first disable all plugins and check again. This is most likely caused by JS.
  • Now I have turned off all plugins (except revolution
    slider) and even I disabled my child theme, so that only Betheme (Version:
    1.6.1) original functions and the Revolution Slider (version are

    The problem is still there. It must be an Betheme
    incompatibility with the Revolution slider. I noticed this:

    When I set the slider under settings > 4 Slide Layout
    to “Auto” then the problem disappears. But when I set the slider to
    "Full-Width" or "full-Screen" then I have the

    So, I think It must be an incompatibility Revolution Slider (version “full with” or “full screen” setting with Betheme (Version: 1.6.1) side slide setting.

  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • Now I have sent the access with the form an the on the right side at 
  • Hey,
    we checked and it seems the problem is not the plugin or the theme but your slider, after changing to the 'oculist' slider we imported the blank space is not created.
  • edited January 2018
    Your 'oculist' slider wos set with slide layout “Auto”,
    but with Auto the problem disappears (see my replay from January 28). Now I set
    in your 'oculist' slider the slide layout "Full Screen". 

    You can see, that
    also with your 'oculist' slider, the problem is there... 

    Please check again...

    Thanks in advance
  • Hey,
    we added custom JS into your theme to fix the issue. This is the plugin acting weird about resizing. For now there is no other sollution.
  • Ok, I see the code:



    '#body_overlay, #Side_slide .close-wrapper a.close' ).click(function(){







    Not ideal, but for now I can accept it. Thank you.


    But, please consider to fix it in an future update, so
    that works also without this fix.

    Thanks for your help

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