Shipping Issue on site

I'm having an issue with the checkout/shipping on my website.  When you go to site and place things in the cart then continue to the checkout page the site loses it's formatting and something takes place that just isn't working correctly.  Can you please take a look at the site and explain to me what is going on with this.  If you go to the site and add an item into the cart, place info into the required fields and then continue you will see that it messes up at that point.  The only way that I can get the site to act correctly is to clear my cache and go back and reload the site.   Other than that the format is completely messed up on each page post trying to checkout. The domain is 


  • Hello,
    please disable all plugins besides woocommerce and purge browser cache.
  • Ok, I've done this and now the site is acting even more strange.  I've cleared the cache on the browswer and also on my plugin within the site.  It's never done this before and I've not added any recent plugins to make it start acting this way.  Is there something else that you can see that would be making it do this?
  • I've disabled all of the cache plugins on the site and it seems to be working better now.  Is there a recommended cache or optimizer plugin that you would say works best with this theme?  One that doesn't give any issues but does allow the site to operate quicker?
  • Sorry but this is all server related and you should ask you hosting provider that question. If disabling plugins helped then you are probably low on memory_limit and max_input_vars. This has nothing to do with the theme itself.

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