Your suggestions for future updates!!!

edited November 2017 in Updates & Changelog
Because we get many questions each day about features for Be we decided to build this theme with YOU! So will be great if you can leave your suggestions about future updates in this section. We will consider all of them and try to add in future updates ;)

You should love this section, we hope :)


  • edited June 2014
    • Some adjustment to parallax images would be great. For example as you scroll down you have the image shift on an x/y/ or axis like I have seen some other themes do.
    • Video implantation on parallax
    • I wish I could easily put one or two words like "over" above the quick fact items in muffin builder
    • Mega menu documentation (I see the demo theme has just changed - this may have been addressed)
    • Stuff like this - below "Be | Chef" I would love for it to be easier; I wrongly assumed it was available in muffin builder - buts its all coded.
  • I would love to be able to use other sliders like layerslider. I like how that slider is used. Also I would like something different with the header because it does not look like things are inline or if you can align the menu to the left right or center, etc. Even If I try to move my logo to the center it does not move. 
  • It would be great if we could place Content of our choice (like a normal page) in the sidebar and not only certain widgets.
  • 1. It would be nice if you a possibility to name each section in muffin builder, just for better orientation
    2. Multiparallax feature - when selecting parallax background in section options, add another images (png of gif) that would be on background, but moving with different speed than main back. Also setting offset for them would be nice.
    3. Disabling each page header...In each page option/global settings. I did that using "display:none" for that section, but that's not good really for SEO and optimization purpose i think.
  • The Underconstruction option could be customizable with color, backgrounds, video options 
  • @xensey

    Ad 3. We added this option with latest updates. In "Page options" section you got "Hide title area" and this remove subheader when you edit/create page.

    Also we added option "Minimalistic header" so you can remove header background image at all from any page you like. In "Layouts" section you can create own layout and then while create/edit page you can select this created layout for page.

    Hope this will be clear ;)


    Thanks guys for all suggestions that you left so far. We`ll try to add them with future updates but the queue is very long and we do them all one by one. Thanks for understanding!
  • I think a great additions could be having two main filter in blog slider

    - category, or
    - tag

    At the moment we got only category selection and sometimes it's not what I need. (Category it's ok for blog page but for little carousel I think that tag could be really usefull)

    :) That's all for me.
  • I would love an "Event" module. Would make the theme perfect!
  • Visual Editor - add font size option
  • -Collapsible testimonials
    -Customize the contents of the contact header (i.e. add small widgets)
  • A visibility shortcode to hide/show elements depending on what device someone is viewing from
  • Is there a way to have anchor links for the parallax feature
    • Change the author of a portfolio item
    • Portfolio integrate with Offer 
    • Client with Slider
    • Customize and Translate the Maintenance Page
    • Remove the white padding below the footer (themecolor only)
    • The documentation should be in html or any other method more practical than PDF for your customers

    ...for this theme even more perfect, and reaching $1,000,000+! sales and happy customers, like a QCODE Day

    I THANK ALL "Be|Team" :)>-
  • edited July 2014
    In the sections background image position options, have a static option, so the image stays where it is, just the content moves.
  • Please add widget with portfolio items and possibility to chose items from category. Also add some interesting options and widgets with posts to sidebars.

  • Video background in section (youTube or Vimeo) will bring muffin builder to the next level in my opinion.

  • my wish would be to show only the categories on the home page with a random image. Category 1 category 2 category 3, etc. ....
  • Language flags for manual translations
  • RSS Feed to post integration... i.e. WP RSS Multi Importer or whatever you guys come up with. The importer that I use imports it to the visual editor and then I have to input it in to the muffin builder. it would just make it easier
  • The following suggestions have to do with the multisite installations, but they could be very usefull for others. Here it goes.

    The back-end editor needs a small redesign so that it integrates better with the muffin builder, so that it shows as the first option, than if users want to use the default wp editor they can click a button and have that server. I am already working with a developer so that it can implement these changes on my installation.

    A frontend muffin editor would be awesome but that is a more complicated thing.

    The abbility to import and save new builder without the need to save xml files etc.
  • Just purchased your theme today.  Beautiful job!  I was looking around the shortcode area and it would
    be great (unless I am missing it) to include a shortcode "preview" before inserting the text shortcode into the page.

    Mark, Miami, FL
  • @cercainzona We got option to import/export muffin builder template. We added this option with 2.7 version. Under muffin builder you got import/export option.

    @superdoc We have no idea what you mean. Please show us example of what you ask for and we`ll see if this can be added in future updates.
  • We might need import / export each section and also revision on each change 
  • What about an "archive" of icons including its names/codes and images to choose quickly and flexible when
    adding some content.

    The best solution would be an option in the
    text-editor toolbar which opens an overview of the exisiting icons. So
    we could easily choose icons just as we like.

    Like this for example:
  • Another good feature would be a customizer for fonts, but an extended one. Not as limited as in the current. Something like that:

    H1: [font-family]
          maybe some more options..

    I was trying to do some custom header-changes. Pretty hard, if you don't want to edit the .css etc.. :(
    Just split the navigation and header (all parts of it).

    Maybe I'll post some more - detailed - suggestions these days..

  • How about being able to select a hover image in the image widget with animated ability e.g image slide up,fades or slides down to revel image. 
  • edited July 2014
    Megamenus should have more than two levels of depth.

    I would like to do stuff like that (it would be great if there was more design-possibility and maybe unlimited depth): Click

    Best would be if you could use the Muffin Builder in a similiar fashion as on pages. So you can design a nice layout for the mega menus :)
  • Hey Guys; this is regarding my above suggestion for a shortcode preview button.  Very simple.  In the text shortcode editor for xyz shortcode you select, for example, title, caption, add image, logo whatever. BEFORE you hit the button that says "insert shortcode" there is a button right next to it that says "preview".  This allows the user to see what the shortcode output looks like BEFORE inserting it into the body of post or page.  This is great because if you want to make changes to get something you like, you can make change, view over and over WITHOUT having to insert shortcode text.  I have tons of plugins and one of my favorites for shortcodes is "Supreme shortcodes" on CC.  I use it all the time.  They have a visual preview as I wrote above so go take a look.  Trust me, it makes my life easier.
  • Hi all,  Since Betheme has a very good potential for Hosting Company with Be-Hosting ( for example ), I wonder if you can have WHMCS intergrated possibilty ? WE want to start hosting company and WHMCS is very common. :)
  • @zagosweden that would be huge! Great thought. We too use WHMCS. There are a couple different options to implement into WP. But, right from this theme would be seamless. Unfortunately, I am not sure how much interest will be in this one.
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