Logo in movil

Hello again, I have a problem. When I see the web on the mobile The logo is not linked to the main page. It has no link. Is there an option in the theme option for it?
I already have the online web operative


  • Hey,
    the logo looks fine on mobile and on desktop. It links to the main page:
  • Hello again. Correct at the time that he checked it worked because I activated the Overflow logo. But then I realized that when activated the search engine stopped working when the cursor was placed in desktop mode.
  • Another thing, you can not click on the gallery photos of the products in mobile mode
  • So, the woocommerce error with the images was fixed so please update the theme to the newest version.
    Also you got some error in your action bar code that you modified, http://prntscr.com/jaqnnp
    you have single not double quotes and too many <a> tags.

    The logo is covered by your search plugin: http://prntscr.com/jaqo8e
  • edited April 2018
    Good afternoon. Thank you very much helped me a lot with the logo and I achieved it in the end. It only had to make the width of the logo layer smaller so that the search engine was not inside and it worked

    Regarding the labels <a> I know.
    I have put this one caught in the options of the subject. Because I do not want the mailto, because when the email is with the mail we receive a lot of spam. If I delete or modify the header file code to only leave one there is confusion. I would know how to do it. Thanks for your time and help
    I want to replace this code with this one

    if ($ header_email = mfn_opts_get ('encabezado-correo electrónico')) {
    echo '<li class = "mail"> <i class = "icon-mail-line"> </ i> <a href="mailto:'. $header_email.'">'. $ header_email. '</a> </ li>';

    with this one---->

    :)  :) :)

  • Sorry but we do not help with the files modification,
    we can only advise you to use a child theme if your changing the theme files.
    Otherwise you will lose all changes on updates.
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