Secondary Menu | depth 2 (Split | depth 5)

I added the 2nd menu on the header as you see but i have 3 questions

So i got the phone number button to be to the right of the logo BUT

1. How can i vertically align to match the logo (right now its to high)
2. When i Scroll can I add this to the menu or can i have a button show only on scroll
3. Can i have the background of the button a different color


  • Hi,
    Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
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  • oops sorry here you go
  • Hi,
    1) You can change it in Theme Options > Global > Logo > Advanced
    There you have settings of logo, but I'll prefer you to make your logo a little bit smaller.

    2) In Theme Options > Responsive > Header you can change a style of header of even
    change a menu content.
    Make other menu for responsive devices with zero items and select menu button.

    3) It's made by using Revolution Slider, edit a slider to make other bg for it.
  • Ok so #2 Didnt work. When i scroll down i want to be able to show the menu with the photo number. right now it shows the menu

    #3 I was talking about the phone number to the right of the logo how do i make  the background a different color
  • 2) Sorry, but this require additional HTML edit and it's not possible.

    3) Ok, use this Custom CSS code

    .header-stack #Top_bar .secondary_menu_wrapper{
    background-color:red !important;
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