Left aligned MEGA MENU

Hi there,

i created a two column MEGA MENU... now...
is there a possibiliy to make the mega menu LEFT ALIGNED, so that it aligns with the MAIN MENU item

Many thanx and
best regards,



  • Hi,

    1)Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first.

    2) Disable all of the plugins, clear cache and check again.
    If this won't help you, it will require a CSS code.

  • Hi Pablo,

    done that! But it still doesn´t work.

    Here´s the used code:

    /* --- Megamenü --- */

    #Top_bar .menu >
    li > ul.mfn-megamenu > li.mfn-megamenu-cols-2 {
        width: 350px !important;

    #Top_bar .menu >
    li > ul.mfn-megamenu {
        width: 700px !important;

    Regards - Daniel
  • Please use this Custom CSS
    .menuo-right #Top_bar .menu > li > ul.mfn-megamenu{
    left:0 !important;
  • Thanx Pablo, we are getting closer!

    It now is aligend at the left edge of the content...
    but is there a way to align it at the left edge of the menu-item itself (in this case "AUGEN-OPS").
    Specially responsive?

    Many thanks and
    best regards,

  • Sorry but it's not possible anymore.
    It will start to be not 100% responsive or just buggy.

    Is that very necessary to achieve?
  • It is - otherwise it´s very hard to navigate from the main menu item to the items in the dropdown-menu. Try it and you will see how hard it is to avoid the menu to colapse again while moving the mouse.

    Is there really "no way"? to achieve that?

    Thanx - Daniel
  • Add this additional CSS code
    .menuo-right #Top_bar .menu > li > ul.mfn-megamenu:nth-child(2){
    left:200px !important;
  • Thanx, Pablo...

    it does something... but it won´t really work well...
    I tried different withs for the megamenu and different pixel values in your code... but :-/

    Would you mind to give it (a hopefully "last") look.

    Many thanx,

  • If i inserted 400px it works fine.
    Isn't it working when you insert it on Custom CSS?
  • Wooohow, Pablo!

    It finaly worked - thanx for your patience and efforts.

    Best regards and a nice weekend,

  • Hi Pablo,

    I have a similar request to this on another page: https://www.e-leven.de/
    Most of it worked, but I would like the mega-menu on the "e-Shop"-Link to be more like in this image:


    Could you please help me once again?

    Many thanx in advance,

  • Sorry, it cannot be done in easy way.
    It require a lot of advanced CSS changes and RWD modifications of the theme.
    Unfortunately, we do provide help only with simple changes of CSS.

    Also, be sure that you made the Mega Menu correctly:

    and do not use the minify/caching plugin on the websites which are not done yet, it will make a lot of troubles with the website.

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