[SOLVED] Go to certain slide using javascript
I am using the Slides (not Rev Slider, but the one which is within the "Slides" section,located on the left side of the WordPress dashboard) and I am trying to navigate to certain slide using JavaScript.
The idea is that in the screen there are plenty buttons and all buttons trigger the slider to be displayed (the slider is hidden), but each button opens the slider with a different currenty active slide. The carousel still will be inside, with the arrows and all to navigate, but once the slider is closed, if a button is clicked, each button moves the slider to display a certain slide and then displays the slider.
I have been checking your code and I think your slider is a slick-slider. When I try to use the documentation of slick-slider I get the error: $(…).slick is not a function.
Additionally, changing the translation and the active classes of the slider also doesnt work perfectly.
Could you please help me? Thanks!
I assume, that you inserted the JS code in the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > JS?