Trouble with image appearing too low on mobile.

edited February 2019 in BeBuilder

I have a problem with the first image that appears on my site on mobile.

The website is:

I want the image to appear much higher than it does on mobile.  I cannot modify the image because I like how it looks on desktop.  I have removed all action bar and row as well on header builder.  The menu is not necessary but if it does not affect, I would like to have it.

There is a large space between the logo and the first image.  I would like to have that extra space removed and show the image just below the logo.

I am happy with how it looks in desktop mode, but not happy with the mobile view.  I have removed all padding and disabled parallax on mobile.  

Any suggestions?




  • edited February 2019
    The problem is because you declared a lot of paddings in the sections.
    The only way to fix it without changing those paddings, is hiding that section on mobile and create another one section which will be created for mobile and displayed only on the mobile.

    To achieve that, please edit the section and find the "Responsive Visibility" and set on which device it should be hidden.

  • Thank you for your comment.

    So first, I need to hide the visibility for mobile, and next create another image for mobile and hide the visibility for desktop?

  • Indeed.
    If you have some further questions, feel free to ask.
  • I made the changes but the result on mobile is the same.  I need the image to be higher on mobile.  If you scroll down, a black image appears below the logo, can this be the problem and if so how do I fix it?

    Your comment above says that the only way to fix it without changing those paddings is to create the hidden section which I did.  I have no problem in changing the padding if it will solve the issue.

  • edited February 2019
    Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html
    errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine.

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