Problem with Deregistration Tool & Licenses

We've been trying to remedy a license issue. But the "Tool" link does not solve the problem. The issue is that the wrong license (License A) is stuck in our new site (Site B). We need to unhook it from there and reapply it to the original site (Site A). Then we need to apply the new license (License B) to the new site (Site B.) 

We are stuck in a catch 22. We cannot deregister in the WP admin. The "Tool" supplied does NOT show all of our licenses and states that one should remove files before deregistering from Site A, which we obviously cannot do without losing the site. If we try to log into the tool with License B it returns an error: {"error":"No registered licenses for this purchase code and username"}

Current situation:
  • License A is currently applied Site B and it cannot be deregistered
  • In the tool License A still shows as registered to Site A. The tool states to deregister one must remove files first.
  • License B needs to be applied to Site B but cannot until License A is uhooked.
  • License B does not appear when logged into the helper tool.
We do not want to damage either site, we just need to get the proper licenses applied. License A to Site A and License B to Site B.


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