Table Pricing Item Heading Issue
Hello there, pumped on this theme I'm really enjoying using it and customizing it.
Got a question though.. I'm putting together a pricing table and the price is not styling properly.. see photo for reference:

The actual prices should be the same as "The Easiest Way To..." title above it. I have checked my font settings and they seem fine. Any ideas?
Got a question though.. I'm putting together a pricing table and the price is not styling properly.. see photo for reference:

The actual prices should be the same as "The Easiest Way To..." title above it. I have checked my font settings and they seem fine. Any ideas?
please provide url for your page where you got above pricing table and we`ll check it.
Is there a secure way I can send you guys my login/password so you can bypass the Construction page and take a look at it that way?
I think Ive got it right this time-- the private message is sent.