blurry images on gallery

I need some help with the image gallery configuration.

there are 2 galleries on this link.

on looks blurry and the other looks sharp, on betheme shortcut pages 
shows an example of vertical, horizontal and square images with different size
on thumbnail mode. All of them look correctly how do i get that configuration.

on the forum i some similar problems and the solution you mention is an incorrect image size. if that is the problem please share with me the correct image size. 


  • Hi,
    Does your website should look like this?
    Can you fix it first?
  • Yes, it should see that way. The galleries are at the bottom.
  • Sorry, but I do not see any images on bottom.

    But, you have to increase the size of your featured image to make them non-blurry, how to do it?
    here are instructions for changing them:
    1. To change the size of the images used in portfolio/blog, please
    navigate to theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image.
    2. To change the size of the default WordPress gallery images, please go
    to settings>media.
    3. To change the woocommerce images size please go to the customizer
    tool in wordpress and change it in the front-end.
    More information HERE

    Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size.

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