Image Gallery has bugs

Hello. The image gallery has some bugs. If I add more than one gallery to one page, the gallery takes the photos of the first gallery as well. Even if I just choose the ones I want to have in the new gallery. 
e.g. If I have photo 1, 2 and 3 in my first gallery and add a second gallery and choose the photos 4, 5, and 6 - the second gallery also shows the pictures 1, 2 and 3. 
If I refresh the page, every gallery shows all pictures, so in the end I have two similar galleries.... 
How can I change this???
Thank you, Kathi


  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • I sent you a message via the contact form! 

  • Hey,
    we have created two galleries on this page:
    It all works fine, no images get cloned. What page does this happen?
  • Hey! 
    Hmm you are right... It´s on the page "A-Wurf, *26. Juni 2019...
    I also don´t see the single images there when I click on edit. In your gallery the thumbs are shown... 
    Can you find the reason for this?
  • I just wanted to edit the galleries on your sample page. 
    Now I have 3 galleries but only one is shown. 
    I don´t see any thumbs for gallery 2 and 3 and there are no photos shown on the front end...
  • Yes, only one is shown because you inserted image only on the first one.
    I've added the images to another galleries and it works fine.

    Also, I've cloned the "A-Wurf" page and after adding new images to these galleries it's displaying the images sucessfully.
    Maybe it's some kind of caching trouble.

    Oh, ask your hosting provider about increasing the PHP_Max_Input_Vars to 5000
    It could be the problem of not enough the input vars value, it's the common issue.
  • Thanks for the fast answer! 
    I will ask immediately and hope the problem is solved then!!! Thank you for your support! 
  • So, the PHP_Max_input_Vars is increased to 5000 and the cache is cleaned. 

    The problem is still here. 

    Trying on your sample page "A-Wurf" I can´t even add images to the galleries. I choose the images an add them to the gallery but they are not shown. 

    And i don´t see the images beneath my "browse" button in the image gallery... Something is really wrong here... 

    Can you fix it or is it better to use any gallery plugin because this one´s not working..

    Regards, Kathi
  • We do not see this problem, I've tried a lot of times to recreate that problem and nothing happen.
    Also, I've added a lot of images (choosen randomly) and it works fine.

    Did you try to test it with other browser? Maybe the problem is with one of your addons for browsers?
    It could be the problem too.
  • Well, that´s really strange... 
    I work with Safari and will try another browser now. Maybe that helps.
    I´ll keep you updated.
    Thank you Pablo! 
  • Yep, it works with Google Chrome... :) (y)
    THANK YOU!!! 
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