How do you edit BG color and text color of a "custom link" within menu

My website ( has a custom link added to the menu, which links to our Client Login page.  Right now, the background color of that custom link is set to an off-white color, the link is gray, and the hover color is blue.  Where in the settings do I change these colors?  I have tried just about everything within the BeTheme color options, and nothing is updating the colors of this "custom link". 

Appreciate any guidance you can provide. 


  • Hello,
    It's made using the Custom CSS code which is not coming from BeTheme.

    You, or someone who was making this website before created that.
    So, if you want to change it, modify your CSS code.
    Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS

  • Thanks - but there is nothing but sample custom CSS in that window.  Is there somewhere else I should look?  
  • Ignore.  I found the code within the style.css file.  Is it safe to edit that code within the BeTheme Child template?  
  • It's in the style.css file of betheme child theme.
    You should look there for it because after removing whole this file, this customization dissapear.

    But, as you told you already found it.
    So, you can keep it there or in the theme options - of course, it will be easier to find for other developers (like in your case) if you will keep it in the theme options.
  • If I add the custom CSS to the theme options, will it over-ride what's in the style.css file?  Or would I need to delete the script from the .CSS file first, and then add to the theme options? 
  • You have to remove it from the style.css file and then add it to the theme options.
    It's the most safe way to do that.
  • ok - thanks!
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