Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Possibility to add Widgets in the "Side Slide Navigation"
  • Add "line-height" attribute to the Google_fonts shortcode, as per this thread:

  • Create a adobe photoshop/illustrator file with a grid to use in the layouts creations.
  • Hello 
     İmage numbered headline in the picture
    İmages2 project carousel page as pictured
    İmage3 organization chart
  • 1 - Some Woocommerce layout models;
    2 - Some Buddypress layout models;
  • Native Breadcrumb support for Yoast-SEO's Breadcrumb feature.
  • I would like the ability to duplicate sections of a page and move those duplicated sections to another page. Currently the export feature does accomplish some of this but it also locks in many of the settings from the duplicated page so there are limitations that make the export option obsolete in many instances. Just a nice to have. Thanks!
  • [Header Builder] I would like to have a smooth change from normal header to sticky header - at the moment it changes immediately.
  • The ability to have the side slide menu close after an item is clicked on both desktop and mobile. the extra step to click the 'X' is a frustrating user experience.
  • Hi.I want to use MuffinBuilder on woocommerce products. but we must to use shortcodes only.its very difficult to use shortcodes to design a can : 

    1-add MuffinBuilder on woocommerce product
    2-export shortcodes of a pre-designed post ( by MuffinBuilder) to use on another places like footer,woocommerceproducts ,.... 
  • I like the muffin builder but I often have to use WP bakery because customers like elements like accordeon and tabs. And these ones are more easier to handle and design in wp bakery. To have this elemets in muffin builder would make it perfect in my eyes ;-)
  • Muffin Builder feature:
    What you could do extra is, if possible, to set the template structure that way to be able to drug and drop the imported fields directly.. from WP All Import plugin
    for the moment i have create and adjust with ACF, but it would be wonderful addition to be able to do it without it 
  • Please add a solution for sharing blog-entries with Instagram.
  • Please add to Header Builder Plugin new option to make more than one header style per site. Sometimes is very usefull to have different menu on each page.
  • Could you add a different class to to the Action Bar 2nd phone number so I can assign a mobile styled icon to it rather than a phone icon.

  • My suggestion is that there should be a simple way to show a linked list of authors and number of posts for each author in a sidebar. For a multi-author blog site this is something basic. We are unnecessarily trying to find a widget for this purpose. 
  • Hello,

    I think so many people will be happy about adding decimal for counters.

    Looking forward for good news.

  • With tablets getting bigger in size (1024px) can the theme options > Responsive > Wrap | Move Up > limit be increased from 960px please?

    Or tell me where I can edit in the templates/child theme?

  • edited September 2019
    - dynamic templates which can be edit once for the hole Website
    - possibility to export single sections instead of the complete page
    - code hightlighting for CSS / JS in theme options
    - the editor in "visual editor" item should be resizeable, like in "colum"-item
    - should be possible to set timeline (and maybe other items) separately  to classic oder simple design
    - probably a bigger change: more break points for mobile devices. For exemple: Currently, if there are four boxes next to each other, they will squashed till the one break point by resizing the window. Then the boxes are about each other. Why there is no break point to show 2 x 2 boxes. etc.?
  • As per this thread -

    Update the Theme Options > Responsive > Decrease Fonts to increase the defualt paragraph font size to 16px on mobiles to stop Google Search Console triggering errors for "test too small".
  • - Hi, i am using MHB now and it's a nice and simple plugin. It will be nice to add some animation with the sticky menu when the action bar is disable.
    And please add a checkbox for a "box-shadow" under the header like normal muffin menu.

    - In MHB, please add some icon for the button

    - Also I use a svg logo with MHB and on woocommerce pages, the logo is not showing. Adding this custom css do the trick but it will be great if you can add this in future update.

    /*My logo is 45px height*/
    .woocommerce-page .mhb-view.desktop img.logo{height: 45px;}

    - In woocommerce single product pages, please add a simple gallery thumbnail slider.
    I try Free "Twist" plugin (Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce) but there is a conflict with the magnificient zoom on hover...

    Best regards.
  • Adding a crucial SEO Feature

    This feature is missing in 99% other themes


    it would be awesome if the category pages, which auto create when you add a category to a blog post, could be designed using WPBakery. 

    The category pages can have a major importance and impact for SEO as they are used to build SEO Silos. If this could be made possible it would be a huge buying advantage for the betheme in comparison to their competitors.

    Moreover the slug of the category pages should be choosable. At the moment the are /category/namxy/ much better for SEO would be just /namexy/ without category in front in the path.

    Thanks for taking this enhancement into regards
  • @feelgood2k

    Do you want to add content to the category pages? This is already possible via the Categories > descriptions option, and you may have to set "show descriptions" in the theme options, I can't remember if is shows as default.

    You can also customise the url's in post the permalinks and theme options.
  • create a Beautiful mega menu . each menu have a big photo.
  • add more custom fonts.its better to unlimitted
  • A lazy loading options will be great nowadays!
  • cleaner minimal code that makes the site load faster
  • Hello

    It would be nice for SEO to do:

    1. remove the link from the home page in the breadcrumb
    2. be able to nofolow the breadcrumb links
  • more portfolio views and presentations
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